Regnier Lab Hosts Invited Guest Speaker- Romi Castillo

The Regnier Lab is hosting Doctoral Candidate, Romi Castillo, from Dr. Jil Tardiff’s lab at the University of Arizona. Romi was a former undergraduate student at UW, and studied the effects of dATP on acto-myosin interactions using the in vitro motility assay with Saffie Mohran in the Regnier Lab.

She will be presenting her current doctoral research at the Regnier Lab Meeting (SLU Campus, Brotman Auditorium and Zoom- please reach out to for the link) Thursday, December 7, 2023, from 10:30 am – 12:00 pm (flyer below).

Her talk is titled: Structure and Dynamics of the NcTnI-NcTnC interface in Health and Disease: The N-terminus of cTnI as a Therapeutic Target

You are welcome to join us!

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