Save the Date! The 2022 UW CTMR Symposium will be held on Monday, October 24th, 2022 from 9:00am – 6:00pm Pacific Time in the Orin Smith Auditorium. Registration information and additional details coming soon.
Save the Date! The 2022 UW CTMR Symposium will be held on Monday, October 24th, 2022 from 9:00am – 6:00pm Pacific Time in the Orin Smith Auditorium. Registration information and additional details coming soon.
Applications are now open for the UW Center for Translational Muscle Research (CTMR) Mini Pilot Grants! Mini Pilot Grants provide $5,000-$10,000 in direct support for pilot studies to new users of CTMR core services who need a limited, specified set of data from one of the cores. Examples of the use of this grant mechanism…
Dr. Nagana Gowda, CTMR Investigator and Research Associate Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine, has been awarded an NIH Research Project Grant (R01) thanks in part to CTMR Pilot Grant support. Dr. Gowda’s awarded project is entitled “Quantitative Analysis of Labile Metabolites in Biological Samples” and focuses on addressing the current lack…
The UW Center for Translational Muscle Research (CTMR) is delighted to announce that three exciting pilot grants have been awarded as part of the 2021 Pilot Grant Program. The CTMR Pilot Grant Program provides funding to support the development of exciting new muscle research on campus by allowing investigators to (1) obtain preliminary data needed…
On October 24th, 2022 the CTMR held its annual symposium. Over 130 people registered and researchers from a variety of backgrounds shared their work during our first in-person symposium since the founding of the Center in 2019. CTMR director, Dr, Michael Regnier welcomed scientists from near and far. Although most of the attendees were from…
CTMR/BioCAT collaboration leads to new PNAS paper “Structural OFF/ON transitions of myosin in relaxed porcine myocardium predict calcium-activated force“ The UW Center for Translational Muscle Research (CTMR) working with the Regnier Lab and the BioCAT x-ray beamline at the Advanced Photon Source of Argonne National Lab, explore the potential of sarcomere-targeted small molecules as treatments…
Registration is now open for the International Society for Heart Research-Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology Webinars coming up in April! Register now using the links below. Please note time zones when registering: webinar times vary to capture audiences in different regions. Can’t join the webinar but still want to watch? All presentations will be…