CTMR Sponsors the 2024 Myofilament Meeting
The CTMR is proud to sponsor the Cardiovascular Research Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2024 Myofilament Meeting: Contractile Systems, Mechanobiology & Regulation: Novel Concepts Technologies & Applications held in Madison, Wisconsin, May 18-21, 2024.

CTMR Director, Mike Regnier, is part of the Scientific Organizing Committee for the event, a speaker at the Oral Session on Myofilament-Based Diseases, and is also organizing 2 topical workshops held at the conclusion of the meeting:
- Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) workshop
- Computational approaches in myofilament research

CTMR Investigators Weikang Ma and Tom Irving are organizing a 3rd topical workshop at the meeting on Low-angle X-ray diffraction.