Congratulations to Alec Smith!

CTMR Investigator Alec Smith, PhD, recently had an R21 funded through the NIAMS that will be looking at developing human stem cell-based models of the muscle spindle for studying proprioceptive function in skeletal muscle. Additionally, he received an Award from the Weill Neurohub to develop models of the neuromuscular junction for studying amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) pathology and therapeutics. Alec credits his 2020 CTMR Pilot Award, which provided funds to generate some of the preliminary data used in the award application. Great work Alec!

Join us for Alec’s talk titled “Modeling the monosynaptic stretch reflex using human iPSCs ” at the Cardiovascular Breakfast Club Seminar Series tomorrow, November 2, 2023, from 9-10 am at the SLU campus or via Zoom.

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