Dr. Nagana Gowda’s CTMR Pilot Project leads to R01 Grant Award
Dr. Nagana Gowda, CTMR Investigator and Research Associate Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine, has been awarded an NIH Research Project Grant (R01) thanks in part to CTMR Pilot Grant support.
Dr. Gowda’s awarded project is entitled “Quantitative Analysis of Labile Metabolites in Biological Samples” and focuses on addressing the current lack of reliable methods for measuring levels of coenzymes and antioxidants at cellular and subcellular levels. The project seeks to develop methods to measure these coenzymes in live cells and mitochondria in real time then translate the protocols and measurements to the widely used NMR spectrometry platform for broader dissemination to other researchers in the metabolomics field.
Preliminary work supported by Dr. Gowda’s 2020-2021 CTMR Pilot Grant focused on the development of NMR spectroscopy method for analysis of coenzymes and antioxidants using live muscle cells (mouse skeletal myoblasts) and isolated mitochondria. On the impact of the CTMR Pilot Grant on his R01 grant application, Dr. Gowda states “the preliminary results from the CTMR pilot grant clearly enhanced the scientific merit of the grant application, which led to the successful funding”.
Congratulations to Dr. Gowda!